Sunday, April 12, 2020

Ossie and friends go to the zoo

3.   Ossie and his friends go to the zoo

It was a long way from the farm to the zoo 
Ossie, Donny and Ellie were tired, so they lay down in the sun and slept for half an hour.
What did Kiki do?
Kiki wasn’t tired, so she flew around in circles. After half an hour, Kiki decoded that her friends had slept for long enough, so she sang a very loud song.
Here it is:

The Cuckoo Song  

 Have you heard the cuckoo song,
I can sing it all day long,
Won’t you sing my cuckoo song,
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, No that’s wrong!
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, you must get it right!
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, this is how it goes:
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, got to get it right;
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, come and sing with me!

Kiki  sang very loudly, but Ossie, Donny and Elle went on sleeping. 
So Kiki had to sing another song, even louder.
Here it is!

Kiki’s wakey-wakey song  

Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Kiki is here,
Cuckoo, Cuckoo. Time to get up!
Wakey-wakey, Wakey-wakey, Kiki is here,
Wakey-wakey, Wakey-wakey . Time to get up.

Then Kiki called 'Cuckoo' about a hundred times and the three friends yawned and stretched.
It really was time to get up.
We'll have to hurry now, said Ellie. “ Dinner will be over and all the food will have gone.”
“No it won't,” said Ossie, I eat worms. “They don't go anywhere.”
“Grass doesn't go anywhere, either, “said Donny, “and I have a big bag of carrots from the farm.”
"I'll find something to eat,“ said Kiki.
Very soon, the friends arrived at the zoo. 
Ellie went in first. Donny followed and Ossie followed Donny. Kiki sat on Ellie’s head.
"Where have you been," a zoo keeper asked Ellie.
"Nowhere," said Ellie.
They've been looking for you everywhere," said the keeper. "You'd better go back to your family, Ellie."
"Nowhere is very nice," said Ellie.
"Who are your friends?" the keeper asked.
"I'm Ossie!"
"I'm Donny!"
"I'm Kiki!"
"And we are all hungry," they said together.
“I’m only a little bit hungry,” said Kiki. “Cuckoo!”
“Let me think,” said the zoo keeper. “Hmmm. Hmmm.”
The friends waited while the zoo keeper scratched his head.
“I know,” he said, after a few minutes.
"Ossie, you'll have to join the other Ostriches," said the keeper.
"But I want to go with Ellie," said Ossie.
The zoo keeper scratched his head again.
"Oh, very well,” he said. “I hope Ellie's family doesn't chase you away."
"I'll look after Ossie," said Ellie.
“Where can I go,” asked Donny.
"We have a donkey park, Donny. You can go there," said the keeper.
"I hope they haven't eaten all the grass," said Donny. "And I hope they don't eat all my carrots."
"I'll get you some more, Donny," said the keeper.
"Will you? Thanks," said Donny.
“Cuckoo! Where can I go?” said Kiki.
"You can go to the parrots, Kiki," said the keeper.
"I can't talk parrot," said Kiki.
"Then sing to them and they'll sing back," said the keeper.
"Show me the way," said Kiki.
The friends all went to their special places for their special food.
What did Ellie eat? Do you know?
Listen to the song and you’ll find out.

Ellie’s banana song

Only Kiki had a problem because she had never eaten a nut before.
"They are too big for my beak," she said.  
The parrot boss, Pavel, who was the oldest and wisest parrot, shouted "get some seed, get some seed...." until the parrot keeper came and brought some millet seeds for Kiki.
Then Pavel and Kiki sang a song together.

The Kiki and Pavel song

Squawk Squawk Cuckoo, Squawk Squawk Cuckoo,
Squawk Squawk Cuckoo,let’s all sing.
Squawk Squawk Cuckoo, Squawk Squawk Cuckoo,
Squawk Squawk Cuckoo, all day long.

Kiki sings, Pavel squawks, Kiki sings, Pavel squawks,
Kiki sings, Pavel squawks,all day long
Kiki sings, Pavel squawks, Kiki sings, Pavel squawks,
Kiki sings, Pavel squawks, all day long
Squawk Squawk Squawk

“That was a very nice song, Pavel,” said Ossie.
“Yes, it was,” said Donny.
“Really nice,” said Ellie.
“Are you surprised that a wise parrot can sing a song with a wise cuckoo?”
“Not really,” said Ossie, “ But I thought only old owls were wise.”
“Don’t believe it,” said Pavel. “I can talk, sing, growl,  purr and simply make a noise like something I have heard. Knock! Knock! Knock! for example.”
They all laughed and looked around to see who was knocking.
“Unbelievable,” said Ossie, who never made a noise, even when he was very angry.
“You forgot the squawk,” said Donny.
“A cuckoo has only one tune,” said Kiki sadly. “Will you teach me a new one, Pavel?”
Pavel clicked with his tongue.
They all tried to do that, but none of them could. Can you?

4.   Getting to know you!

“Where have you come from today,” Pavel asked.
“We have come from Donny’s farm,” said Ossie.
“I came from India," said Ellie, "But I live here at the zoo.”
“I haven’t seen you around,” said Pavel. “Do you like it here?”
“It’s OK,” said Ellie. “But India is nicer.”
“I come from Peru,” said Pavel. “That’s where all my friends are.”
“But we are your friends,” said Ossie. 
“I could fly everywhere in Peru,” said Pavel. “They don’t let me fly anywhere here.”
Donny and Ellie looked sad.
“You even have a cage up in the sky,” said Donny, who was not very clever.
“It isn’t a cage, it's the roof,” said Pavel.
They all thought about the cage with a roof.
“They need you here,” said Ellie. "You can't just fly away."
"I agree," said Donny.
"There's nothing to do here," said Ellie.
"What do you want to do, Ellie?" said Ossie.
"I want to stand on a big red ball in the circus," said Ellie.
"So do I," said Ossie, who thought that was a nice idea..
"You can't do that," said Ellie. "Not with those claws on your feet. You'd make holes in the ball."
"I've never seen an Ostrich in a circus," said Donny.
"I'm not just an ostrich. I'm Ossie."
“I want to fly around like Kiki,” said Pavel as he watched Kiki flying around.
“You can come for a walk with us,” said Donny.
“Do you know any going-for-a-walk songs, Pavel?” Ossie asked.
“Well, actually I do.”
“Will you sing us one?” said Ellie. “Then we can  practice walking together.”
“And flying,” said Kiki.
“I can’t fly,” said Ellie.
“Neither can I,” said Donny.
“Neither can I,” said Ossie sadly.
“But you have wings,” said Pavel.
“I’m too fat to fly,” said Ossie.
That made everyone laugh.
“I’ll invite our keeper to go with us,” said Donny.
“You don’t live here,” said Ellie. “You haven’t got a keeper.”
“I’ll find one,” said Donny.
“And I’ll sing a special song to welcome all my new friends,” said Pavel.

The Pavel  welcome song

I am Pavel from Peru, Pavel from Peru,
I am here to welcome you, Welcome to the zoo.
Welcome! Squawk! Squawk! Want to welcome you,
Welcome! Squawk! Squawk!  Welcome to the zoo.

In Peru it’s nice and warm, Sunshine all day long
In the zoo it’s cold and wet, But please sing my song!
“Welcome Pavel, we will sing your song,
Welcome, Pavel, sing it all day long.

Sing twice then this ending:
   Sing it all day, sing it all day, sing it all day long.

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